What We Do
Reprospace is a service company that helps book publishing companies and authors with the entire book creation process, from design and illustration to printing. Reprospace does not publish books itself but provides access to publishing tools, systems, and even AI-powered editorial review software. Once a book is ready, Reprospace facilitates its distribution by connecting authors with publishers and using Ingram, the largest book distributor, to reach bookstores worldwide. Reprospace also offers a platform for bulk ordering of books, allowing authors to easily acquire copies for events and retailers to access books directly. Ultimately, Reprospace acts as a behind-the-scenes partner for authors and publishers, simplifying the complexities of the publishing world and making the process more efficient.
Your Trusted Partner in Book Creation
Reprospace specializes in transforming manuscripts into professionally designed, print-ready books, providing end-to-end creative support for authors and professionals who want to publish meaningful, impactful work. Working closely with independent publishers like Kitsap Publishing, Reprospace ensures authors have the best tools to bring their ideas to life.
Services Offered
Book Design and Artwork Creation
Custom Cover Design: Unique, high-quality cover designs that reflect the theme and purpose of the book.
Interior Layout: Clean, professional layouts optimized for readability and flow, tailored to the content’s needs.
Typography and Visual Elements: Custom typography and visual aids enhance the reader experience and make complex content accessible.
Manuscript Preparation for Print and Digital Formats
Formatting and Typesetting: Accurate print and digital formatting ensures a polished, publish-ready manuscript.
High-Quality Physical Production: Assistance with selecting binding, paper types, and finishes to make each book durable and visually appealing.
Proofing and Finalization: Full proofing services to eliminate any formatting or design issues before production.
Coordination with Publishers
Publishing Preparation: Work with indie and traditional publishers, including Kitsap Publishing, to support authors through the publishing process.
Guidance for Distribution and Print Options: Help authors make informed choices about distribution formats (e.g., print-on-demand or offset printing).
Encouraged Subject Areas for Manuscript Submission
Reprospace welcomes manuscripts in a range of high-impact areas that foster insight, understanding, and change. Suggested topics include:
Professional and Industry Insights
For authors with expertise in fields like technology, medicine, law, or economics, helping readers understand complex issues through professional lenses.
Social and Political Perspectives
Books offering reasoned, insightful discussions on current social issues, government policy, and political theory from experienced or knowledgeable authors.
Biographies and Memoirs with a Message
Personal stories that offer inspiration, wisdom, or lessons drawn from unique life experiences, particularly those that have the potential to resonate widely.
Science and Environment
Manuscripts focused on environmental challenges, scientific advancements, or educational material aimed at raising awareness about critical global issues.
History and Cultural Exploration
Works that delve into historical events, cultural analysis, or ethnographic studies, providing readers with a deep understanding of diverse societies and histories.
Educational and Self-Development
Books geared towards learning and personal growth, from language learning guides to career-focused self-development, addressing practical and intellectual growth.
Health and Wellbeing
Topics on mental health, physical wellness, and alternative health practices, focusing on scientifically grounded, credible approaches to health.
Reprospace’s approach supports authors in creating books that stand out in terms of both visual quality and substance, helping professionals and experts publish work that reflects their expertise and values. This ensures that authors not only get the design and layout services they need but also benefit from a trusted partner in the journey from manuscript to print.